Terms & Conditions


Terms and conditions Terms And ServicesPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND POLICIES CAREFULLY. WHEN YOU USE OUR WEBSITE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND POLICIES.www.chabiwale.com (the “Website”), is owned by chabiwale.com pvt. (the “Company” or “we”), which is responsible for the Website, any related mobile app, and all related services (“Services”).The Services: The Company is a marketing partner and service provider that connects customers with professional locksmiths in their area. You agree that we do not provide locksmith or related services to customers. You agree that we are not responsible, nor will we be liable, for the actions or failures to act of the companies or personnel that/who receive information or assignments, or that/who respond to your service request.You agree that while we will make our best efforts to present only accurate and up to date information about each listed person or business entity on the Service, we cannot guarantee that any such information will be current, complete, or reliable. You agree therefore to use your own best judgment in dealing with any person or entity participating in the Service, with respect to cost, reliability, and other matters that may be relevant to your requested services and your particular situation.You agree that any person or entity’s participation or certification by us within the Professional Locksmith Guarantee program does not make us responsible or liable for the actions or failures to act of the companies or personnel that/who participate or are listed by us in the Professional Locksmith Guarantee program.Service Availability: The availability and pricing of services varies depending on the availability and rates of locksmiths closest to you. While we seek continually to add new providers to the Service, our participating providers do not cover all localities. 24 Hour Emergency Locksmith Service available in participating areas only. Call for details or check your zip code on the Website for participating locksmiths in your area. These terms and conditions (along with the document referred to in this) govern your use of our website, service and applications. By using our services you confirm that you accept these terms and conditions and that you agree to abide by them.

You must only book a service if you have a genuine requirement for the work detailed to be performed. You must only post Feedback in relation to a Dealer / Service Provider if you have used them as a result of your use of the website. We are continually seeking to develop and improve the services we offer and so we reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to make changes to any part of the Service without notice.

Our Responsibilities to you We will provide Chabiwale.com services to you using reasonable skill and utmost care in accordance with these Terms and conditions. However, if you use the Chabiwale.com services as a Customer you acknowledge and agree that the services we provide are subject to the following limitations and disclaimers: Although we have asked all users to use Chabiwale.com responsibly, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any information that you view or receive from Dealer Partners. This includes any information contained about details of Dealers who are listed in our directory or quality of service you may receive from Dealers you avail using Chabiwale.com or prices of services offered by Dealers. If you use Chabiwale.com you also acknowledge and agree that information contained in any sections are intended to be indicative only and will not form the basis of a binding contract between you and any Dealer. If you choose to instruct a Dealer to carry out any work for you as a result of your use we strongly recommend that you conclude your own written agreement with them clearly detailing the work to be done and the price to be paid. We will not be a party to any agreement or contract which you conclude with a Dealer as a result of your use of Chabiwake.com.

Note: We (Chabiwale.com) under any circumstances will not have any responsibility to you or liability to you for the performance or quality of any work which you ask any Dealer to carry out.


Parts B are certain terms and conditions which are applicable to any person or business registering as a “Partner” on our Website Chabiwale.com Registering as a Partner (Service Provider) In order to benefit from all the features of Chabiwale.com available to Dealer Partners, you will need to register with us. You will be asked to provide certain information about your business including your business name and contact details, services, pricing, working hours and location details. You must ensure that the information provided by you on registration is accurate and not misleading. You should also inform us promptly of any changes to the information that you provide, by updating your details, in order that we may communicate with you effectively.

Provision of the Services to Dealer Partner

Following registration, we will make certain services available to you. The services will include the ability to include details of your business on our platform, the ability to view or receive details of Customer Service bookings which have been posted by Customers and the ability to accept bookings and share service status updates with Customers. Full details of the services available to Partners on our platform will be published on our Website Chabiwale.com from time to time. We are continually seeking to develop and improve the services we offer and so we reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to make changes to any part of the Service without notice.

Our Responsibilities to you

We will provide Chabiwale.com Services to you using reasonable skill and care and in accordance with these terms and conditions. However, if you use the Chabiwale.com Services as a Dealer you acknowledge and agree that the services we provide are subject to the following limitations and disclaimers: You acknowledge and agree that we will enable Dealers to register and get listed based on criteria which we (in our absolute discretion) may determine from time to time. In addition, you acknowledge that the number of Service bookings which may be posted or transmitted to a Dealer in relation to any particular customer may be limited in number. Accordingly, we do not provide any guarantee that registering as a Dealer will result in you being invited to receive any particular volume of Service bookings. Nor can we guarantee that your use of Chabiwale.com will result in you getting any work or any particular volumes of work.

You acknowledge and agree that we do not check or verify the details of any Service Bookings which are posted. We have asked all users to use Chabiwale.com responsibly but we cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any information which is posted by third parties.

By registering as a Dealer Partner you also understand and agree that Customers who have used your services will be able to provide Feedback and Ratings. Whilst we have asked all users to act responsibly, we do not actively monitor, check or verify Feedback which is posted. Accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that we (Chabiwale.com) shall not have any responsibility to you or liability to you for any Feedback which is posted by any Customer and we will not usually become involved or intervene in complaints or disputes concerning Feedback, although we reserve the right to do so in exceptional circumstances. You may, if you feel that Feedback is misleading or incorrect, contact us and we will investigate but we shall not be obligated to take any action.

Your Responsibilities

You agree to abide by the Terms and conditions when using Chabiwale.com which we make available via online media such as website, mobile apps and SMS. You shall be solely responsible for checking and verifying the details of any service booking which is posted before you agree to undertake any work for a Customer and for agreeing with the Customer the terms and prices of services on which any work will be performed.

You shall be responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations in your dealings with Customers and for the performance and quality of any work which you agree to undertake for any Customer.

Note: By registering as a Dealer Partner and by using Chabiwale you are agreeing to indemnify us and hold us harmless from any costs, losses or claims which may result from any information you submit or transmit via Chabiwale.com or from any work which you agree to perform for any Customer


Parts C are certain terms and conditions which are applicable to all users of this platform including Customers and Dealer Partners.

Passwords and Security

If you register to use Chabiwale.com Services you will be given a username and password. You must keep your ID confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. You are responsible for preventing unauthorized use of your ID. If you believe there has been a breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorized use of your ID, you must notify us immediately. If we reasonably believe that your ID is being used in any way which is not permitted by these Terms and conditions, we reserve the right to suspend access rights immediately on giving notice to you and to block access from your ID until the issues have been resolved.

Acceptable Use Policy

The Services allow registered users to create, edit and submit material for inclusion on or transmission via Chabiwale.com, including (without limitation) by creating Dealer profile, posting service bookings, responding and updating the status of bookings and posting rating feedback for Locksmith services. Whilst we do not seek to monitor or control the submission of information, we do reserve the right to delete, move and edit any Material submitted where (in our absolute discretion) we consider it prudent or necessary to do so.

You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using Chabiwale.com. You are solely responsible for all Material you submit for inclusion on or transmission via Chabiwale.com. You must ensure that all Material you transmit is lawful and honest. In particular, you must not post or transmit any Material that is:

● Fraudulent, dishonest or misleading.

● Unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar,obscene, or otherwise objectionable or breaches any laws.

● Encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, gives rise to civilliability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code ofpractice.

● Infringes the copyright or other rights of any third party.

● Technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses or othermalicious software or harmful data).

By submitting Material to us you are granting us a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, translate, make available and distribute the Material on or through Chabiwale.com for the purpose of operating services.

PART D - Legal Disclaimers

Whilst we Endeavour to ensure that the information available on or through Chabiwale.com is correct, up to date and accurate we do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of such material. In particular (but without limitation), Chabiwale.com permits you to access and receive information supplied by third parties. The third parties submitting this information are responsible for ensuring that the material submitted is accurate and complies with relevant laws and codes. We will not be responsible to you for the conduct of any such third party or for any error or inaccuracy in any material they supply. Although we aim to offer you the best service possible, we make no promise that Services will meet your requirements. We cannot guarantee that Services will be fault-free or continuously available. Your access to Chabiwale.com may occasionally be restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new features.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of earnings, loss of anticipated earnings or loss of data or for any indirect or consequential losses howsoever arising out of your use of Chabiwale.com or any fault or problem relating to or any content received via Chabiwale.com.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury due to our negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. Your statutory rights as a consumer are not affected by these Terms and Conditions.

Termination of Services

We may suspend or cancel your registration and/ or terminate your access to Chabiwale.com if you are in breach of these Terms and conditions or have made improper use of the Services. You may cancel your registration at any time by informing us in writing. If you do so you must stop using the Services. The suspension, cancellation or termination of your registration and your right to use the Services shall not affect either party’s statutory right or liabilities.

Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, database right and other intellectual property rights in Chabiwale.com (including without limitation all content, materials and technology used or appearing or transmitted through it) belongs to us or our licensors. All rights are reserved.

Privacy and Cookies

The Cahbiwale.com platform includes areas where you are requested to input information about yourself. Any information you submit to us shall be subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy. We use cookies on our website. By registering use you are consenting to our use of cookies


All notices shall be given to us via email or by post using the contact details set out in the Contact Us section, or to you at either the email or postal address you provide during registration.

We may revise these Terms of Use at any time. You are expected to check these Terms of Use from time to time to take notice of any changes we make as they are legally binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our website.

Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions will be subject to the laws of Bangalore India and the courts shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between us.

© 2024 Chabiwale. Powered by Ficuslot Innovation Pvt Ltd.